Gender Monitoring at KIT

The annual gender monitoring report of KIT primarily presents the development of the shares of women in the defined target categories of the respectively valid equal opportunity plan. The equal opportunities plan contains an inventory and a descriptive evaluation of the KIT employee structure and concrete targets as well as measures for increasing the proportions of women and achieving equal opportunities. Pursuant to Section 16 (5) KITG, the equal opportunities plan is part of the KIT structural and development plan and is valid for five years.

The purpose of gender monitoring at KIT is to establish a reporting and control instrument for the realization of the equal opportunity goals which

  • systematically tracks the planning and success of equal opportunity goals,
  • focuses on the implementation of equal opportunity measures
  • creates commitment,
  • enables a systematic linking of centralized and decentralized aspects through statements by departmental management on department-specific equal opportunity situations (in the interim reports and the equal opportunity plan).

Gender monitoring is understood as a service offer for the KIT management as well as for scientific and science-supporting institutions.

The gender monitoring data is collected annually (for the first time in 2015) and submitted to the KIT Presidium, the equal opportunity officers, the KIT Senate, and the Supervisory Board for their information.

Gender Monitoring Report 2022 (in German)
Gender Equality Plan 2022-2026 (in German)
Kick-Off Gender Equality 2022-2026 (in German)

Data 2022: The most important facts in brief

Gender ratio
Gender ratio in the qualification levels

Gender ratio in the qualification and career levels

The graph shows the gender ratio in the different qualification and career levels. The proportion of women from entry to the level of completed doctorates ranges between 25 - 33%. This gender ratio has been relatively stable for years. Compared to the previous year, an increase of 3 percentage points can be noted in the number of bachelor's degrees. A closer look at the age structure of professors, shows that 13% of professors over the age of 50 are women. Among professors under the age of 50 years, the proportion of women is 27% (two percentage points more than in the previous year). This shows the success of the increased recruitment of women to professorships.

Management and Committees

Committees and management positions

In 2022, the proportion of women among the members of the Presidium remains unchanged at 17%, and at 20% among the heads of divisions. Within the KIT Senate, 22% of the members are women. The proportion of women among the members of the KIT Supervisory Board is 45%. The proportion of women in the management of service units, staff units, and central scientific institutions is 51% in 2022. This represents an increase of two percentage points over the previous year.



The share of women among professors at KIT was 18% in 2022, an increase of one percentage point compared to the previous year. Among scientific staff, the proportion of women in 2022 was 30% (increase of two percentage points over the previous year) and among science support staff from administration, technical support, and the library, 54%. In 2022, the proportion of women among trainees remained unchanged at 36%.

Positive development for the KIT in the CEWS ranking according to gender equality aspects

In the current „CEWS University Ranking according to Equality Aspects 2023“", KIT shows a positive tendency: In the overall view of 75 universities, KIT moves up from ranking group 8 (2021) to ranking group 6 with 7 out of 12 of the possible points - out of 12 ranking groups in total.

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