The Helmholtz Leadership Academy
Once a year, a survey of potential candidates is carried out among all institute and DE heads and professors by the Human Resources Development Department (time: late summer/fall).
For all programs of the Helmholtz Academy, with the exception of the program for top executives, the nomination at the Helmholtz Association is carried out exclusively by the central contact person of KIT in coordination with the division heads and the presidium.
For this purpose, please use this nomination form.
The costs for the Helmholtz Academy are to be carried by the sending institute/DE.

If you need advice regarding the Helmholtz Academy and the selection of programmes/fit for the target group, please contact Mr Ernst Aumüller. For further information, please also contact Ms. Simone Rost.
The KIT's central contact person for the Helmholtz Academy is Ms. Heike Schäfer-Dammert. She makes the nominations at the academy and is also at your disposal for further questions.
Further Information
Further information can be found at:
Leitung Führungskräfte und Top-Management
(0721) 608-45190 oder 0173 2068927
ernst aumueller ∂does-not-exist.kit edu